

Amateur blogger that makes many grammar errors but writes with her heart.


August 2016

Just listen

What is the point in believing in God but not acting on the promises He has given you?

One told me, “it’s soothing to know theres a God who loves me”. As she went to take another shot of her tequila, while losing the balance of her stand.

I said, “is it comforting to you to know that He will also punish you for your sins? Yes, indeed God is a God of love but He is also a God of wrath.”

Can I just take the moment to tell you do not be fooled. Indeed, God does love you.. but He does not rejoice in the wicked or those stiff necked.

God’s love comes when we realize and accept that He is merciful and gracious enough to receive us despite our sins, when we are willing to let Him minister in our life after repenting and having a change of heart. Letting the Lord into your life, surrendering yourself to Him and following His commandments.. is only the beginning of the best decision of your life.



You know what really gets to me? People who believe in God but all they really do is acknowledge His existence and thats it.


As if God is not supposed to be a part of your daily life, as if he is not meant to lead you in all your steps, as if he is not supposed to make you new, as if your not meant to experience his supernatural joy and peace, as if he is not supposed to be your shield and defender during the struggles, as if he’s not supposed to be the rock on which you stand, your refuge and so much more.

person shaking person



God is calling out to you.

Dear reader, theres a reason you came across this post. There’s a reason you made it this far, obey the calling God has on your life.


someone who once felt so alone and lost but has been made new and whole in the Lord.

You say you trust and have faith in God, right…?

Our God is a God of the impossible. To anyone who stray from the Lord’s calling in their life because they’re troubles seem to overwhelming or consuming, you have lost sight of how big our God is. Dare I say that your faith is not even the size of a mustard seed that you shall turn to other solutions other than the hand of God? The Lord did not fall off His throne when problems came your way.You say you have faith but do you have expectation for a move of God? What is faith if you don’t actually expect anything to happen. Think about it. Be thankful, always. The Lord gives and He takes away. May His praise be ever on your lips! 


God, He pokes.  

Do you ever experience like those little “coincidental” moments. Or do you ever hear that little voice deep down inside of you telling you not to do something that you know is wrong? 

The Lord, He pokes in such a subtle manner – He is always trying to get our attention. 

But when we become stubborn and rebellious and refuse to listen to Him, it is then that He will sometimes allow tragedies to come into your life because maybe, just maybe that will make you realize that He has been trying to get your attention all along.

Your sickness is not to kill you or destroy you but to strengthen your desire for God. 

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